The maximum HP of the NPC ally tunnel armor has been increased.
When fighting the 4th Legion helldiver, damage dealt by consecutive hits of the attack Infrared Blast has been reduced.
The following adjustments have been made to the critical engagement the Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore:.
The amount of mettle rewarded from skirmishes and critical engagements in the Bozjan southern front and Zadnor has been increased between Resistance ranks 1 and 14.
The Sound of the End: 8bit Orchestrion Roll.
Kainé (Final Fantasy Main Theme Version) Orchestrion Roll.
The following items will now appear in a treasure chest allotted to each party of an alliance when undertaking the Tower at Paradigm’s Breach:.
The weekly restriction on obtaining Breach Coins has been removed.
The weekly restriction on rewards obtained from coffers has been removed.
The following adjustments have been made to the Tower at Paradigm’s Breach.
Unlike other instances, the strength of the Echo will not increase in the event all party members are incapacitated.
The Echo will take effect upon entering Eden’s Promise (Savage) raids, increasing players’ maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing potency by 15%.
The strength of the Echo granted in Eden’s Promise (Savage) has been increased.
The weekly restriction on receiving Blades of Lost Antiquity from Eden’s Promise: Eternity has been removed.
Diamond Gwiber Trumpet – Diamond Totem x99.
Moreover, players can now obtain this item in exchange for totems by speaking with C’intana in Mor Dhona (X:22.7 Y:6.7).
The drop rate for the Diamond Gwiber Trumpet in the Cloud Deck (Extreme) has been increased.
The Cloud Deck (Extreme) has been moved from the Raid Finder to the Duty Finder.
EXP gained by Trust NPCs has been increased.
Final Fantasy XIV Update 5.58 Patch Notes Playable Content There won’t be any more major content drops until Endwalker releases this fall, so what’s in store for this patch? Here’s everything new with Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.58. This is an unusually long maintenance period for a minor update, which has many players wondering what this patch includes. Maintenance for this update will begin at 6 PM PT/ 9 PM ET on July 19 and conclude at 3 AM PT/6 AM ET on July 20. Update 5.58 has arrived for Final Fantasy XIV, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch.